hawai'i 2005
Sunday, July 31, 2005
recap - annex#1
I felt the need to:
1. Make sure Nix wasn't the only one blogging here, and
2. Account for all the KJ disappearances I made throughout Nix's recap
3. Add some other stuff
/---- Start Recap Mods
Tuesday 19th July (2nd one)
I actually didn't get too tipsy at night. I was a bit aggressive after drinking whatever Nix gave me to drink while we were drinking but I don't think I drank anything at Pipeline. It was so crap there - I just talked to some guy who told me he could "do better what any guy could do for me"
Oh and this girl at Pipeline was blowing smoke into my hair. I was this close to turning around and accidentally ramming my elbow into her face.
Hi. I am Bully Dork. I actually don't think anyone could say that the way Solo says it.
I forgot what "drama" broke loose at the apartment after - but I clearly remember having serious angry words with Mike because he was questioning whether I truly believed I was happy like he knew me or something. Oh... Matt knows me coz I found a plastic cup in my imagination *rollseyes* haha
Wednesday 20th July
Note: Buy your daughter a vibrator, and she's sure to turn into a skank. It probably means you're a skank too... idiots.
Thursday 21st July
I had fun hiking up Diamond Head. It was definately a workout but I felt a real sense of accomplishment when we were at the peak. I reckon I still have flies in my hair.
I still don't know how the girls agreed to Maunawili Falls for the next day - I have a feeling Brockley and Eduardo had something to do with it though............................ hi
Nel's FIRST Disappearance: Nix must've been so drunk coz I walked home with the girls from DDH. I just.... went straight up to the room once we got back to the hotel.
Friday 22nd July
It's VERY hard waking those girls up.
... driving to Pali and Maunawili - I was the undesired shotgun :( haha
Watching Brockley bring drinks up to the 10ft cliff we were sitting on was hilarious.
Rodney is... just hilarious - HIIIIIIIII
Moose's that night was decent. The most unco moment was when I excused myself from dancing with some guy and his friend comes up to me and says "what did my brutha do that you don't wanna dance with him" ummmmmmmmmmmm...... whatever.
Saturday 23rd July
Nix had $14 on her tab at the end of the night... how hardcore.
Apologies to everyone that was on the receiving end of my aggressiveness. And sorry to Nix for physically abusing her when she was only doing what she was told... at least all of Kuhio knew your name that night =]
Sunday 24th July
Brian's so polite... I was charmed at the way he'd always tell us to have a nice night and to be safe.
Monday 25th July
"Aloha from Australia"
That's what we get for being hyper girls!
We spent an hour at Pearl Ridge after Pearl Harbour. 55 minutes of that hour was spent in Hollister. Oh dear.
Royden from Red Lion probably made $10 worth of tips "because he was hot"... well, he wasn't hot... just so cute!
Nel's SECOND Disappearance: Yeh I disappeared. I went back to the hotel and talked to Kalani and Brian until I realised the girls weren't coming back anytime soon so I went upstairs and went to sleep.
Tuesday 26th July
"25 dollars?!?! Whattabout 10?" - Nix
That girl has balls.
... if I have to go to Tahiti to make my ass move like that... I'm THERE!
Nel's THIRD Disappearance: I didn't really disappear. The girls just saw Gibby on the way home and followed him. I spent the rest of the night (before going back to the room) watch Kalani beat Brian in chess. Then Kalani told me crazy stories about his crew.... then I went to sleep.
Wednesday 27th July
Yep, I didn't go to the beach at 7am. Sleep is too mad.
Spent another half hour in Hollister at Ala Moana that afternoon though. Ouch.
I was this close to hitting a girl at D&B for pushing into the line. Too bad she was pretty. Plus... I'm not thug enough to do that.......
Yep... the last night at DDH was good. But I think the smoke got into my eyes too much and I needed to close them... so I went home. Geez I'm a KJ.
/---- END Recap Mods
I think that's all I feel like writing.
Lights ?
Good bye.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
i know that nobody would probably read something as long as what i'm going to write.. but it's not for you.. its for us biatch.. jokes.. you're more than welcome to read my recap of Hawaii 2005 and if you get bored, apologies in advanced.. Mahalo for your Kukoa. =)
Keep in mind, this is my (Nix's) recap.. i might've missed out on an experience which Nel and Al had but.. yeh whatevs.
Before I start, let me just say that I had an awesome time.. way more awesome than I anticipated.. I also got to spend time with my two girlfriends who I love dearly *big smiles*
let me just remind ou that im going to be writing HEAPS.. im talking paragraph styles.. i have no life in Sydney you see.. so I have time to wiznate.
*deep breath*
/---- Start Recap
Tuesday 19th July (1st one)
Nel and I are all excited we're going to Hawaii but im all worried because my suitcase is branded heavy by the nice man behind the counter.. Nothing much happened except my suitcase was ostrasized for being fat.. after that we went and ate, made up our blog and boarded our plane..
On the plane, we had heaps of engine trouble which was not reassuring at all.. we amused ourselves by analysing all the dumb photos in the safety manual.. I especially liked the one where it said we werent allowed to bring gremlins on the plane.. that was classic.. Nels favourite one was the one where when there is an emergency suddenly you get super powers and you can miraculously break out of the seatbelt..
After awhile we eventually took off and Nel and I tried to sleep, except we both got hot flushes on different occasions so it was hard to get to sleep.. Nel watched Wedding Date (crap) and I watched Million Dollar Baby (good)
We then landed in Hawai'i.. thenn...
Tuesday 19th July (2nd one)
We finally got to Hawai'i and we were very tired because we didnt get much sleep.. I dropped my phone going down the stairs and lost my laynard thing.. thinking that Hawai'i was just like Australia i ran out and got my laynard unbenowst to myself that I was about to commit a federal crime.. I nearly got arrested for my laynard.. but they let me off cos I was a 1st time offender.. Nel nearly commited a federal crime too.. we're just badasses
When we finally cleared customs and all that jazz we went outside for our transfers.. We weren't on the list so we were 'addons' .. did we feel rejected or what.. we waited around staring at the 'Gayle and Tanya' wedding camp.. and finally they shoved us on a bus.. we made our way to our accomodation silently praying that it wasnt as crap as Al made it out to be.. haha.. we finally got there and.. i think we both sighed a sigh of relief because.. it wasnt a dinghy building like we expected.. we checked in and we were reunited with Al! yay!!
after we 'unpacked' we went to Waikiki beach for some late afternoon tanning and swimming in a beach with a back and forth current and just lazed about.. afterwards we went to the ABC store for some condiments (aka alcohol) for some pre partying drinks..
we then got home.. rested then got ready.. we drank pretty much all our pineapple champagne and vodka after we got ready because we got a bit snap happy.. Finally Solo came and we were on our way to Pipeline in downtown Honolulu
Pipeline was..... not that great.. i think people talked it up so bad that we had great expectations of the place.. so to make a place better than it really is.. what do you do? thats right.. drink some more! Al and I and Nel i think got a little tipsy drunk.. so drunk that I got a new nickname which stuck for half the trip.. but yeh well.. *snort snort* i am a dork.. =D
afterwards we went home.. and all drama broke loose which i feel bad for.. but yeh.. anyways.. we all finally got to sleep around 5 or 6
Wednesday 20th July (h.b TIN!)
Nel and I woke up in the late morning or early arvo and decided we better go to the beach or something or else the day would've been a waste.. Al couldn't come with us because Solo was in the apartment and she couldn't leave him there by himself.. so Nel and I went and slept and tanned on Waikiki beach before going home around 4ish.. Oh yeah.. this is when we also found Wiki Wiki cafe.. our favourite place on Kuhio Ave
When we got home, we found Solomon, Mike and Matt in our apartments.. and they dropped us off at Ala Moana so we could shop a bit.. we got there pretty late so we only had time to eat.. We ate some... pasta which was pretty nice considering we hadn't really eaten the whole day.. so we ate that then went straight home..
feeling pretty useless we decided not to do anything that night either.. and Al had to sleep cos she was verging on like 10 minutes sleep so while she slept, Nel and I watched some good old TV.. we watched something like 3 hours straight MTV.. it was pretty fun.. I discovered my new favourite show.. 'Date My Mom' .. WHAT A USELESS SHOW! the Mums on that show.. can we say gross? After we decided that watching the 3rd episode of 'Room Raiders' was enough, we finally called it a night
Thursday 21st July
We woke early because we didn't really do anything the night before.. and we got ready to go to Diamond Head.. we amused ourselves for awhile taking pictures of 'Aloha- The Bus' signs as well as the touristy photos we're allowed to take cos we're tourists.. We boarded the bus and..... the bus ride i dont remember much.. but i do remember that we didnt know where to get off so when we saw the sign for Diamond Head we got overly excited..
We took many pictures of the Diamond head sign.. thats how happy we were.. we made the trek up to Diamond Head and.. needless to say.. we weren't very attractive going up there.. we hardly said two words to eachother because I think we were afraid of dying.. one we got up there we took photos but I was more worried because there were bugs everywhere and they all got caught in my hair.. i hated it.. but the view was pretty.. really pretty actually! Once we finished we went down like pros and since the heat was unbearable Al and I invested in some of that overpriced ice cone thingys
afterwards we went home then went to Ala Moana to attempt to shop again.. We did shop but our feet were so sore because of the climbing of steps and crazy rocks so our shopping finished when Ala Moana closed.. we then went home.. and for some reason we went to Moose's
At Moose's I wasn't having so much fun (i don't know about the other girls) so we drank a bit to wallow the time away.. luckily there were lots of amusing things to see.. like the lady who is still there after all that time, and the old couple who were feeling eachother up on the dancefloor.. we took photos and somehoe we met two lovely gentlemen by the names of William and Rodney.. we asked them kindly about places where we could go in Hawaii.. and it was cute because although we meant nightlife, they gave us daylife.. haha. but yeh.. we made drunken plans to go Hiking the next day at Maunawili Falls.. which was fine
After we went to Moose's which was rank we went over to Da Dawg House where somehow all hell broke loose and suddenly all five of us were pretty off our faces.. the guys played pool and nearl got beat up for not making a call (which they so badly did) and i made best friends with the lady in the toilet.. we all had fun.. well I had fun.. because I achieved my goal.. hahaha.. okay nobody understands that.. but yeh it was a good night.. Afterwards Brock (William) and Rodney walked us home.. i don't know how nel got up but somehow I only remember the two boys and me and al going home together.. we stumbled off to bed then it was sleepy byes.. actually no! it wasn't sleepybys..
At Moose's we bumped into our old friend Gibson who remembered us.. we went to his house because we tight and Pat his roomate made us crazy drinks which made us scream 'NANG BADU' whenever we so wished.. Nel conked out and thats why she wasnt hungover.. Al and I had two of these crazy drinks.. but yeh we ended up going home at 6 knowing very well we had a hiking excursion in front of us..
Friday 22nd July
Al and I woke to Nels happiness and needless to say.. we were both a little hung over.. not so much puking hungover.. just that gross feeling you get when you KNOW you should've not drank so many vodka redbulls and crazy drinks at Gibby's.. so yeh we made the most of what we had.. i ventured off to Kuhio to buy some shorts and the whole day there i thought I was going to pass out..
Anyways the boys picked us up around........ 12:30.. because 'hawaiian traffic is a bitch' (yeh right) and we made our way to Maunawili falls.. that has got to be one of the funniest car rides i have ever been on in my life.. Rodney is the funniest guy ever.. OMG.. if only i could remember his calls.. he was way funny.. i loved him! haha.. on the way though we went to Pali lookout which was so pretty and unbelievable..
We got to the falls and we hiked in mud and tree shrubs.. it was an experience i tell you.. you try acting like you aren't going to be sick and at the same time trying to look like you've been doing this all your life and trying not to fall down and catching Leptosperosis. We finally got to the falls and they were really pretty! Al and I were being chicken cos the was so cold but brock helped us by throwing water in our faces anyways.. we finally got there.. and I felt like such a loser cos i wouldnt even jump of the 5 foot cliff.. and here was William jumping off 50 foot cliffs.. it was all good though at least Rodney kept us company =D .. Brock kinda dissapeared then he came back and he brought drinks.. that was real bad.. haha.. the girls and Rodney drank.. but even looking at those things made me sad.. as pretty as the bottle was.. there was no way i was gonna drink that..
when we finally took the plunge, it was great! we dried off then hiked back and yeh.. it was fun.. we ate dinner/lunch at Maui Taco and .. it was yum.. afterwards they dropped us home and then we went to.. Moose's?
Yeh we went to Moose's .. we usually go there real late with no problem at all but this time there was a massive line because a ship just came in so we had to line up.. it was alright though.. once we got in it was impossible to get a drink so all the drinks i downed i downed on the spot.. but yeh it was a quiet night as nights go in Hawai'i.. Had a little case of deja vu from last year.. ha ha.. oh well.. what a dunce.. after we all danced a bit we headed home and conked out after a crazy day and night..
Saturday 23rd July
Since we had such a strenous couple of days, we decided to have a quiet one and head out to Sandy Beach.. they might as well have called it Windy beach because it was so freakin windy!! I reckon we wouldve had such a good time there if we came earlier and it wasnt so.. WINDY!! I think i was the only one who went into the water and that was only for a couple of seconds..
After giving up on both tanning and my book, Nel and I watched a couple of guys play footy with a slipper.. and we decided that American Football is crap and we missed our own Footy..
after we got tired of that.. we decided to go home.. well we had no choice because the last bus out of that place was around 5:30.. so anyway we went home, well to Waikiki and bought some chinese and ate that and got an important phonecall haha..
We napped after that i think? and then we got ready to go to Zanzabar that night.. We were waiting for Solo but he wasnt coming.. anyway..somehow Nel and I just left and Al waited for Solo and we went to Zanzabar.. it was a pretty nice place.. not as ghetto as Da Dawg House and not as gay as Moose's.. nel and I started off the night by just purely drinking and attempting to dance.. but that was just not working so we just drank some more.. we ended up chillin on the couches there and i met NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!!!!! haha.. well it wasnt exactly napoleon dynamite but it was a dead ringer for him.. man.. hahaha.. well yeh that was the highlight of my night.. OH YEAH! and seeing the SUBWAY guy! OH YEAH! and opening up my first ever bar tab.. ahahha..
well afterwards.. Nel got a bit too drink happy so it was a feat in itself getting her home.. somehow we stopped at Maccas and I recognised Aaron from last night (the deja vu from last year) and yeh.. we grabbed a bite to eat at Macdonalds then i went home.. only to get a phonecall from Rodney who thought we hated him.. and then somehow we made a date to meet them the next day.. well.. after such an eventful night we deserved at least a few hours sleep.. so we did
Sunday 24th July
We all woke up and braved the day in front of us.. Nel and I went to the beach with the boys and Al went out with Solo.. Nel felt a bit gross so i just let her be on the way to the beach.. We were supposed to go to Sandy beach i think but somehow we made our way to Kailua beach.. Let me tell you now.. Kailua beach.. Kailua in general is so nice.. I loved it.. the water was so clear and warm and it was so so so so much fun! We attempted our own watersports but they looked gay when put next to all the windsurfers and kiteboarders around.. since nel was feeling a bit sick she sunbaked alot and so did Rodney and I.. Brock mustve felt so bored cos he swam the whole length of the beach.. haha
After we got sick of Kailua we made our way to Kane'ohe MFB where there was supposedly a mad beach.. yeh i thought it was pretty mad.. it wasn't crowded because it was a private beach and they had some pretty good waves.. I gave up on tanning because i officially felt dark.. so I just hung out with the guys and.. laughed as usual.. The funniest thing by far was when they were digging holes and holding hands and digging holes and getting stuck in them.. heehe actually that wasn't funny.. i was kinda scared when Brock was stuck in that hole
after all that strenous activity we needed to eat.. so we ate some subway at the base.. it was pretty yum.. i forgot what we were talking about.. something about pretzels and crap.. but i was laughing so bad that i couldn't breath.. haha.. oh man that was funny.. after that.. we went home and we swapped emails *aww gay* haha..
we didnt go out that night so no night paragraph.. i think we just watched full house all night oh and talked to Brian (our favourite concierge) all night
I think this was also the day that we found out how to use our voicemail.. hehehe
Monday 25th July
Oh thats why we didnt go out.. cos we were going to Pearl Harbour that day.. we woke up especially early because Brian (front desk concierge) made a wakeup call for us.. we got there and got so pissed off cos there was the longest line ever.. and we were so tired from the night before that seeing a long line like that just pissed us off even more.. we finally got in and found out our show wasn't until 10:45.. this was around 8:30 mind you.. so we had a loonngg time doing nothing.. we even contemplated not going and just taking pictures of the memorial from where we were.. but we decided.. since we were there might as well stay..
we bought some food which sustained us barely.. but by far the best waking up remedy was our photos of eachother and in my sunglasses.. if you wanna see them they should be up on Nels IS.. anyway it was finally our turn.. and we went to the memorial.. i don't know about the other girls but i badly felt patriotic.. maybe its cos we were hanging out with Brock and Rodney.. but i just felt so so sad for them.. although i shouldnt have been feeling bad.. anyways we got to the memorial and took our photos and then.. that was the end of our pearl harbour experience!
after that was done.. Nel wanted to do some shopping so we went to Pearl Ridge.. we spent a total of one hour there cos it was so confusing.. we got some good shopping in though so it wasn't a complete waste.. Al bumped into someone she knew (wierd.. bumping into people we know in HAWAII) and they gave us a ride back to Waikiki.. which was good cos the traffic was crazy..
anyways afterwards.. Al stayed home cos she had to.. (=]) and Nel and I went to the beach and tanned a bit.. well i tried not to because i was so black.. and we went bathing suit shopping.. after that we bought some chinese and went home..
we then got ready to go out.. we were pretty excited cos we were going to hit up the new Red Lion (the place that brought us so much joy the last time we were in O'ahu) so yeh.. we got ready.. and we got there.. and the best thing about the place was the drinks and the bartender .. hahaha.. I think he became a very rich man that night! The place was crap so we ended up at Red Lion .. or i think only Al and I ended up at moose's? I don't know where Nel went.. but yeh I just remember Al and I at moose's.. we went home.. ate the leftover chinese then went to sleep
Tuesday 26th July
Didn't get much sleep but that's okay.. mostly did some souvenier shopping at th e internationalmarket place.. IMP to Kalani.. =) it was pretty good.. since we were badly running out of money i had to use my bargaining skills and i reckon they worked.. i got so much stuff for a fraction of the price.. but there were some scary moments.. haha.. all i can do is laugh i guess.. We had to get home early though.. because we were booked in for a luau.. so .. we got ready for that (not really ready cos we ended up wearing what we were already wearing) then we went to waikiki trade centre to board our bus!!
When we got there i didn't know which bus i was on.. so i had to find out.. and found out we were on Cousin Jaysins bus.. the party bus! We got on the bus.. and.. along with our Party Cousins, we headed off to Germaines Luau.. which was great! there was so much food it was unbelievable and the drinks were strong and free.. i didn't drink because i had to drink Als Long Island Iced Tea the night before so i was feeling very wary of alcohol.. but yeh it was so good.. The food was so yum and the girl dancers were so hot.. the guy dancers were way better at paradise cove though..
When that was finished we boarded the party bus again and were the only tightass people to not buy their picture from Germaines.. we also got pissed off at our fellow australians who got all territorial because they wished they were only australians on board the party bus.. uh no buddy.. at least we're not from Perth.. im joking.. but yeh.. all the way home Cousin Jaysin was telling us crap jokes which didn't compare to Eduardo's and somehow he got all personal all of a sudden and started telling us about his life.. hahaha
when we got home.. we got ready to go out again to Moose's but that was such a complete waste of time.. i was so dissapointed because we had had two crap nights in a row and it was our second last night there.. thats TWO outfits wasted.. what is up with that!!!! anyway.. so we got home earlyish.. and.. somehow again, Nel wasn't with us.. oh yeh thats right.. we saw Gibson walking home from work so we were talking to him for a bit.. Al and I were being nagging people so he let us come back to his crib so we could meet his GIRLFRIEND.. haha.. so we got there and met his girl.. and Gib and Pat fed us some pizza and another one of those crazy drinks which just had 'rum' in it.. yeh freaking right.. after we felt we overstayed our stay we ended up hanging out downstairs with Kalani and Brian just talking about stuff.. we ended up talking until like 6am.. when Brian and Kalani's shift was over.. and by that time we thought it'd be smart if we just didn't sleep and just went straight to the beach.. which is what we did..
Wednesday 27th July
Al and I took the bus to Ala Moana beach.. and.. it was so early.. we were one of the only people on the beach.. I only had sunscreen and no tanning lotion for Al and i had no camera battery so all i could do was take photos with my phone.. anyway.. we attempted to sleep which was real hard cos the sun was fierce.. so by around 10am we went to Ala Moana and tried to eat breakfast..
Rodney called at this point and we met up with him.. we talked for awhile and he dropped some pretty shocking news on us.. it was tres sad. After that Nel had come already and we were ready to wake up and hit the shops! We shopped a bit and then Rodney took us back to Waikiki but we ended up being retarded in his car and just laughing and having a ball..
after that we went home and i slept a bit before going out to buy some last minute souveniers with Al and Solo.. we bought dinner then got ready for our last night in Hawaii..
We decided our last night was going to be spent at Dave and Busters.. so we go there.. and there was a long line.. yuck.. we finally got there and i was so surprised cos it was an arcade/bar/club/restaurant all in one place! it was so odd.. anyway we get there didn't really know what was going on and then we see Rodney! Why hello stranger! behind him somewhere was William and yay the night was complete! i felt like such a dork head because they were wearing the shirts we bought them.. haha.. but yeh it was such a cute gesture.. haha.. anyway..
so yeh we were lining up at D&B's to go have some fun but then impatient us just couldnt wait so we ended up going to DDH. So.. 5 people in a car can be tricky in Hawai'i so i ended up travelling on the floor.. which was fine with me.. we got there and.. yeh it was a great night.. vodka redbulls were discounted for the night so.. i was not one to complain.. and.. yeh.. i had my friends all around me.. there were little dramas here and there.. including me getting really infuriated and jealous at one point.. but then i got over it..
after dancing became too much of a chore.. i went outside to say goodbye to William.. and yeh it was too emotional.. ask Alisa.. haha.. but yeh i don't know.. it was just really sad.. DDH is a really stuffy place and the music wasnt that great so i had a much better time outside than in.. kinda like me in Sydney clubs.. haha.. but yeh it was good.. anyways.. Nel wanted to go home so we kinda went home.. Nel went to sleep and then Al, Solo, Rodney, William and I went to Dennys and tried to elongate our time together.. we ate.. and yeh.. i dont know i was just feeling so sad the whole time.. partly cos i just didnt want to leave Hawai'i or my friends behind.. and also because i didn't know what was going to happen to the friends i just met.. but yeh anyway.. we finally said our goodbyes (cry) and we went home..
Thursday 28th July
After what felt like 15 minutes sleep, we lugged our luggage down the elevator and said goodbye to our accomodation of 10 days.. Lady called us a cab.. and it was a limo.. SA-WEET! we went to the airport, checked in.. boarded the plane and that was the end of our holiday.. how sad..
-----/ End Recap
Yeh I had a pretty good time.. this time wasn't as crazy as last time definately but i felt i got so much more out of this holiday.. I STILL didn't get to do everything i wanted to do.. but that's okay.. i'm pretty much fulfilled..
what's made me especially happy is i think got some friends out of this whole process.. unlike last time where we met a bunch of randoms, this time we actually took the time out to meet people and yeh.. i hope that the friendships last.. seriously..
and heres a bunch of random crap which i would like to share with you guys
- You can hike in thongs.. its not bad
- The Hawaiian transport system are very creative with their names
- Don't Dert is the best phrase ever
- Lets Get Married And Holla Back Girl are Hawaiian club favouries
- date my mum is gross.. that 70's house was just bad.. who would want to be on a show where you don't even know what the prize is and you have to act like a wankjob?
- Chinese food has lots of MSG
- Quarter Pounders are NICE!
- ABC stands for Another Brewer Company
- Nel and I are dorks.. Al is a Troll
- When addressing Nel or Al and you're of the male species.. it's much better when you say their names Neleesuh and Uhleesuh..
- At the Marc suites triple share means to share one pillow
- Glass slipper ladies may be hot, but they have no manners
- Nel didn't try spam sushi!!!!!!!!!
- Wait (whisper song) is the new Drop it like it's hot.. and we danced it with eachother! haha
- One day, we're gonna get bashed up for our dancing
- Nel likes Laguna beach now.. and we both hate Kristin.. haha
- The words 'yes ma'am' is such a turn on.. haha
- America has funny signs.. Lights? Yield. HAHA.. you could make a whole sentence out of those two words.. Lights? Nang Badu.
- Rodney's HIIIIIIIIII is HI-Larious
- Drinking too much root beer might be detrimental to your driving
- "Rodney what's do you think this is" - "uh.. a BIRD' - "NO its a PRETZEL! ha ha ha" -- 5 minutes later -- "Rodney what do you think this is" - "ITS A PRETZEL BROCKLI A PRETZEL' - 'NO.. ITS A BIRD Ha Ha Ha' --once a kid always a kid
- there is way more and its 6am Hawaiian time so im out
I can't think anymore and this is a really long post.. i should put pictures or something.. soon..
night ladies
HEY! I just realised that this whole post made all of us (or me in particular) look like such badass alcoholics.. but really.. We didn't drink thaaaattt much .. :)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
we're going back tomorrow. IM SO SAD IM SO SAD IM SO SAD! i slept on the beach today with Aleesuh.. We figured that would be sooo much easier than going back to our stink bomb apartment .. it made soo much sense at the time
Um..... i have nothing to say.... IM JUST SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *CRYNESS*
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
it was sooooo worth it..
We're not losers.. we're not at the internet cafe again.. we havent been here for THREE days man.. although we were all thinking of coming all of those three days.. but we didnt
Days have been long and the nights have been short.. we've been averaging about 3 or 4 hours sleep alot of the days (well I have anyways) and it's pretty crazy.. but at least we're getting the most of our 'Hawaiian Experience'.
What can I say.. today we went to Pearl Harbour (i mean.. Pearl HarBOR.. apologies) and it was okay..... i think it means more if you're american or something because i just felt a pinch of sadness.. although im sure those Americans were feeling big pinches bad.. afterwards we went to Pearl Ridge for some shopping and i swear im in love with Hollister.. they have such nice stuff!
Other than that, we've been out quite a bit.. lots of nights out.. but it balances out too because unlike last year, we've actually been waking up to see the days and we're actually going out.. We went hiking the other day with two of our newest friends and we also went beaching.. it was pretty mad...
okay .. sh*t.. its already been 20 minutes.. ill think of more to write later..
Friday, July 22, 2005
Ummm............................... we went to Diamond Head today. The experience and the view would have been SOOOO mad if it wasn't for bugs and hyperventilating.
Last night we slept. It was the best sleep i've ever had in my whole life (joking.. just the last week) We decided to call it a night after we went to Ala Moana purely just to eat (who ever said that Ala Moana closes at 10pm+ is a LIAR). Nel and I also got sunburnt.. i don't know where that fits into the whole story.. but i wanted to say it
Today after Diamond Head we slept, and now we are going to go shopping yay yay fun a roo.
Umm... nothing much else to report.. ill go look at what the other girls are writing and get some ideas
later DORKS
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Since nels post is killer, im going to write more.
- I hope you ladies like platform thongs, because that's what you're going to get
-I also hope you fellas like sand, because thats what YOUUREE going to get
- And to everyone else.. I hope you like friendship, because thats the best present there is *hugz*
As Nel mentioned, we went to Pipeline last night. It was the superclub of Hawaii. There were breakdancers who liked to take up the whole floor and posers who thought they were the hottest sh*t around.
We have also been sleeping a whole heap and for some reason every time we turn on the television, Sex and the city or Fresh prince is playing. I reckon they are the number one shows in Hawaii because that is all they play. If you think i am joking, that's a pretty loser joke and you all know i make mad jokes
Anyway 20 minutes ahhh!!!!
and theeeeeen
I was trying to sms once I got into the country and the lady at customs told me that she thought I was using my phone to take a picture of her and send it to some assasin to get them to kill her. This was after Nix got chased out of the border protection area by security...
It's been grand.
Spent our first afternoon chilling on the beach then we went to Pipeline in Downtown Honolulu at night. It was aaaaaallrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Slept a bit... but I still feel icky.
Oh yeh... I also saw the glass slipper ladies on the street =\ Remind me never to buy clear plastic platforms.
Last night we also had dinner at a sports bar and watched Australia vs. RSA in Union. Very exciting. Oh and we've been watching Bellande be an a$shole on the World Poker Series. Idiot.
This morning we spent in recovery then Nix and I beached it again and took a walk around Waikiki. We're not in an Internet cafe right now.......................... sorta.
Ok bye!
PS. Nix just said this is the longest blog I've written in ages!
I almost..
.. got arrested during my first 10 minutes in Hawaii. All for my mobile laynard thingy-mi-gig
the end.
(i had no sleep last night.. but that's okay)