Saturday, December 31, 2005

are ya surprised to hear from me... FROM AN INTERNET CAFE IN GC?!!! IN THE HAWAI'I BLOG?! yeh i'm a loser

i just came on to check my mail and my RSS had a hawaii blog on it.. and to my dismay it was sort of a sad one..

i wouldn't read too much into it Al.. he did just come back however! at least you know he's safe (and alive) and i think i'd be a bit distant too if i came back from fighting for my country.. i'm sure deep down inside he's the same guy we met all those months ago! at least theres still SOME contact.. and i hope yuou'll be in contact more!!! PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE CONTACT! hehehe.. i'll be waiting for the full rundown shortly.

the end of this year does seem a bit different from last year.. but i'm not going to read into it too much... for sure there will be more adventures and more stories and more fun and more..guys (hehe) for us to talk and share laughter about in the new year..

hope you guys are having a good new year.. don't know what new years on the GC is going to be like.. it sounds like a lot of word of mouth from what i hear.. and hopefully it'll be something not...crap.. if not.. have fun for me and i'll live vicariously through you guys :) nel did you succumb to a partay?

missing you guys terribly! SEE YA'LL SOON!

howdy ma'am

hello girls! not sure if you still check this page or if its still on your RSS readers.. but i felt like blogging here anyway.

i just spoke to rodney. well not spoke, chatted. glad to report he got home safe and sound this morning. brock will be back after the new year. i was so happy to hear rodney was home in one piece, and i tried to tell him that but then i decided to not really express exactly how happy i was because... well he's not as happy to hear from me as he once used to seem. which kinda makes me sad but whatever, the poor boy's been through a war so who the heck am i to come along and start reading into his MSN chat tone? hehe. i just have a soft spot for him i guess. such a sweet guy.

so a lot's changed since we last left hawaii, no? rodney no longer uses pet names with me (except for "honey", but i think that's just a southern thing) and solo and i don't talk at all. ever. my my, things were so different this time last year.

have a good new year girls!